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Monday, 18 June 2007

"Clutch " liver of remedial acute second

"Manhood affected second liver later, among them the person of great majority can be cured thoroughly. " in 100 when foundation of beautiful Shi Guibao and foundation of Chinese hepatitis prevention and cure sponsor jointly " the popular current situation of Chinese hepatitis and the problem is analysed related its " on the seminar, capital medical university is accessary adviser of research center director, doctoral student Professor Gu Jidong emphasizes disease of liver of Beijing friendship hospital say. Professor Gu thinks, a lot of people think all second liver can turn for chronic, its   is solid this kind of idea is incorrect. And actual condition is, if before an adult never second liver medical history, sufferred from second liver suddenly, so he has 5% ~ only of 10% may turn gradually for chronic, and the rest 90% ~ 95% be acute, and cure completely likely. Among them, the symptom is relatively slight person do not need any treatment but self-healing, the patient of acute second liver with one part relatively serious symptom, rest besides need and beyond life food build up one's health by rest and by taking nourishing food, still need to be given by the doctor pair of disease cure such as infusion. Why is adult met liver of second of the acute on abrupt infection? In the transmission way of second liver, the commonnest is haemal transmission. Patient of liver of a second extremely minim (10 thousand milliliter of 1/10) blood enters healthy human body inside, this healthy person is met liver of the second on infection. This shows, the most efficient way that liver of precautionary acute second produces avoids to have the contact on blood with second liver patient namely, for instance, had better use one-time injector to wait. Acute second liver and chronic second liver are the biggest lie identically at, both can be infected, of infectivity depend on by force infirmly the discretion of level of the virus inside patient system, is not transaminase discretion. Say so, the infectivity of acute second liver does not see more by force than chronic second liver. Professor Gu emphasizes saying, the treatment of initial stage of acute second liver is very serious, because medical bound thinks commonly, acute second liver is after course cure half an year, if return cannot heal, so the patient can turn for chronic second liver, need to accept disease-resistant poison to treat. Acute second liver is in after curing, have infectivity no longer, and the second liver patient that is cured is OK still and lifetime receive immunity. (the exercitation edits: Plum apricot)

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