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Tuesday 11 September 2007

How should second liver undertake the system is treated?

Paying close attention to chaos of second liver patient to use drug in everybody, the advertisement that treats second liver medicaments is more much count deeply. So specialized subject doctor is opposite at present the cure of second liver, also be to have each, lack is normative. Investigate its reason, the remedial hepatitis medicaments that is national approval is really too much; 2 it is experts can go up in art of national liver disease, epidemiology (this kind of conference is in every year 10 times at least above) , recommend this kind of medicine this, recommend another kind of medicine next time, let us really not know what to do of these basic level clinician. We have treatment from decide only. The cure of chronic hepatitis B has disease-resistant poison, immunity adjustment, protect liver to fight the phlogistic, fiber that fight liver to change 4 aspects, impossible in clinical practice to also need not use the remedy of 4 respects, in that way the patient's body and economic capacity are cannot susceptive. Accordingly, home a few combine traditional Chinese and Western medicine famously the expert puts forward: Is active disease-resistant poisonous therapeutics the method with effective only? Whether remedial purpose is confined to the inhibition of virus or to whether remedial purpose is confined to the inhibition of virus or keep clear of? Whether should fight the injury of the phlogistic, cell that fight liver, fiber that fight liver to turn the focal point that serves as cure? The opinion of experts is skimble-scamble, so how should basic level clinician choose medicaments again? How to accomplish reasonable with medicine? How long should period of treatment have? What is ultimate goal of cure? A word, second liver -- how should be we treated? Accordingly, we appeal Ministry of Public Health organizes liver of second of expert formulate our country to treat standard or plan as soon as possible, make broad clinician has Zhang Ke follow on second liver cure, end this kind of cure to go up as early as possible each does what he thinks is right condition. (the exercitation edits: Plum apricot)

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